Showing posts with label Iggy Pintado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iggy Pintado. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Positive Return On Outcome


In discussions about the Return On Outcome (ROO) concept, the conversation invariably turns to how to tangibly measure something that is qualitative and subjective like ROO.

I spoke to Patrick Quinn-Bryant recently who provided a sound rationale. He noted that the base criteria for determining a sound return on investment (ROI) is either a positive or a negative ROI, with the former determining it’s real quantifiable benefit. 

He proposed that ROO should have similar criteria - a positive or negative return on the ultimate outcome. This makes sense but is it a practical approach to consider in real life situations?

Then, this happened.

The video shows a major league baseball game played between the fabled New York Yankees and the Toronto Blue Jays in Toronto, Canada. The star batter for the Yankees, Aaron Judge, hits a home run into the stands towards a Toronto Blue Jays fan, Mike Lanzillotta who retrieves the valuable ball. 

In what seems like a random act of kindness, he instinctively hands the ball to nine-year-old Yankees fan, Derek Rodriguez, who is resplendent in a Yankees t-shirt bearing his idol Judge’s name and number. The youngster is surprised and overwhelmed by the gesture and both embrace, which is televised. The incident goes viral globally on social media and news outlets.

I can’t help but think that when Lanzillotta caught the ball, he could have been thinking ROI, as everything has an ROI apparently. If so, he would have been rubbing his hands in glee as an Aaron Judge baseball is currently worth at least US$450. His action also resulted in a gift from Judge himself of his game-used batting gloves (US$1500 value). A definitive positive ROI on his purchased ticket investment.

However, in surrendering his newly acquired asset to Rodriguez, he realised a more powerful positive return as an outcome. 

He achieved instant fame from his globally publicised action on traditional and social media. He boosted his personal brand as a great human and perpetuated the nice guy reputation for Canadians.  Personally, his kind gesture landed him a priceless hug from a fan whose dream he just made come true. An immeasurable outcome that generated a memorable ROO all round. 

It would be interesting to find out from a value perspective whether Lanzillotta assessed the ROI or the ROO as being the most fulfilling for him financially or, more personally and for the community.

I think I know which one the world would choose.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Calculating Return on Outcome

How do you calculate a return on an outcome that is not quantifiable? I discussed this recently with Sara Watts, former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at IBM and esteemed colleague for many years. This is her perspective.

I held a number of senior positions in finance including CFO, Financial Controller and Internal Audit Director at IBM for 10 years. I am currently a company director and chair the audit committee of the boards I serve on.

In my free time, I sing with a prestigious Australian choir – which means I must keep in tempo, count bars of music, and constantly subdivide note values. I also bushwalk with friends, and we always compare the number of steps our devices have recorded at the end of a day’s walk. In summary, pretty much everything I do can be measured and my life is full of numbers and numerical acronyms.

ROA, ROE, ROI, IRR, WACC, EPS, P/E are just some of the financial acronyms that are quantifiable measures. But what about Return on Outcome (ROO)

How do I describe ‘outcome’? It’s the way things turn out.

Therefore, ROO could be interpreted as a return on or from the way things turn out. That’s very different from ROI which is a relative measure of the return on an investment, and usually requires a quantifiable - often cash or profit - return.  

As a non-executive director (NED) I must consider ROI. After all, one of our key responsibilities is to make sure that we’re spending shareholder, government grant, or donated funds wisely.  However, most NEDs also consider impact, outcome, value, and legacy even if it’s harder to quantify and measure. 

Of course, that is not unique to the NED world. This concept is important enough that some governments have introduced outcomes-based budgeting. For example, both the NSW and Victorian governments in Australia have recently moved towards this. Departments and agencies are asked to submit budgets and make investment decisions based on how the use and expenditure of public resources will deliver outcomes for citizens. It is seen as a way to improve performance and promote transparency.

The concept of ROO appeals to me for two reasons. Firstly, it creates a way to give structure to a discussion that is often informal rather than formal and, secondly, because I see it as complementary to ROI. A discussion about ROO encourages a different conversation around the board table which in turn means deeper consideration of multiplier effects, linked benefits, and unintended consequences whether good or bad.

A discussion about ROO acknowledges that some returns we’re seeking are not easily quantified, can’t be measured, may have secondary and tertiary impacts, and reminds us that not every investment outcome can, nor should, be monetised.  

I don’t know how to quantify the relief someone feels knowing that their aging parent is getting good care, or the benefit to a small and remote African community who received COVID-19 vaccinations. Nor have I yet worked out how to measure the economic benefit of a child learning English when their capacity to earn is still 10-15 years away.  

Whether an organisation is listed on a securities exchange, privately owned, or a non-for-profit, their NEDs will be considering a range of outcomes alongside the more formal ROI measures. 

As the conversation around the board table turns to the impact of the decision on shareholders, the likely reaction of investment analysts or clients, the impact on Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance (ESG) credentials and other reputational factors, it may not be called a discussion about Return on Outcome, but it probably is.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Return On Outcome and Brand Sustainability

By Lee Ussher and Iggy Pintado

Branding is all about communicating and connecting, to build a relationship with consumers, with the intent that it will result in an outcome, potentially either directly or indirectly, to revenue.

Most people who decide to invest in developing their personal or business profile are investing time and money with an intent to make money from doing it. 

So, what role does Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Outcome (ROO) play for people wanting to set up and sustain their personal or business brand?  

I asked Lee Ussher, Founder of digital and social media agency, Buzz Web Media and corporate & leadership branding practitioner for over 10 years for her perspective as follows:

Some businesses who ‘set up a brand’ for themselves have an intent to use it for anything other than a way for people to identify their business. These businesses create a logo, colour style guide, website, email signature and rarely update any of it on a regular basis. 

Despite this basic branding, they still have an ROI expectation (knowingly or unknowingly) because they are usually investing in other marketing strategies to support their brand identity. This could take the form of ad campaigns (print or digital), local networking, sponsoring, or running small events and being involved in industry expos. All which gives them an assumed ROI and access to relevant databases.

There are others who invest time in blogging, email marketing, regularly updating their Google listing with offers or social media with PR news that communicates messages to create an identity that establishes a greater awareness about themselves for a topic, service and/or product and exponentially grows in recognition from the digital footprint they leave behind.

The perceived return is that the brand itself becomes a valued asset.

Then there are other desired outcomes that contribute to brand association. Why we buy is constantly changing based on trends and developing factors such as ethics, sustainability, local products/services. People are emotional buyers, so we don’t choose to work with a business just because they tick a box in having what we need.

If it was a logical decision, we would choose the closest supermarket, hairdresser, or coffee shop to purchase out of convenience - but we don’t. Most of us go beyond to access what we want - which is usually driven by emotive reasons, such as great service, the tidiness of the shop (my grandfather was a butcher so it’s a thing for me) and the presentation of the food delivered.

A great example of outcome-based experiences is in some major brands supporting the environment by moving away from using plastic - bags, utensils, straws, takeaway containers - to retain their customers. These brands took on the additional expense without profit in mind. 

They did it with a return on outcome that was based on the values of what people and communities wanted and to maintain relevance with their customers. That investment was not for a direct return on the investment, but the outcome that will, in the long term, produce loyal customers and consequently, consistent revenue results. 

Most businesses are now recognising they need to ‘do their part’ in some way as part of their branding. If maintaining their brand reputation is the outcome, then businesses need to consider 3 things:

  • Social good activity - the social activity or organization they are associating with is actually in line with what they do and what is relevant to their consumers. For example, if clients are predominantly families, then choose to support something that is family focused. Running a customer survey for input on ideas is always a good place to start. 
  • Offer support incentives - offer incentives to support a buying decision. Airlines know they cannot avoid emissions, and flying is a travel convenience. When a ticket is being purchased, there is an option to pay a fee towards the gas emissions your flight will cause. 
  • Involve staff and clients - walking the talk is the best brand marketing. Smaller businesses can adopt some of what larger companies do who have internal sustainability programs to get their staff involved in a sense of ownership. The outcome from doing something like this is attracting great talent and maintaining staff. Giving staff time to spend a workday in a charity or cause of their choice every quarter is a simple way to build stronger relationships with staff. Making this part of the business culture will result in longevity, loyalty and word of mouth marketing that builds a strong reputation.

The brand builds a reputation through communication and connection. Businesses need to keep reviewing and updating how they are being perceived by their target audience. Because the brand is the front face of communications and reputation of a business, that is where the assessment should start to do things … a little differently.

Monday, March 14, 2022

The Art of Return on Outcome


By Robin Dickinson and Iggy Pintado

I’m still perplexed by the premise that business is all about Return on Investment (ROI). The question is: can Return on Outcome (ROO) - a qualifiable, subjective measure of an investment based on the outcome realised - and ROI co-exist in commercial thinking? 

I approached someone who, by chosen professions, needs to balance both.

Robin Dickinson is a Business Development Specialist and an artist. His day job is as lead facilitator in a business development advisory firm with a hardcore commercial focus. His evenings and weekends are spent creating contemporary paintings and drawings in his studio.

By his own admission, he confesses to having a kind of “split personality”. On the one side, purely commercial and on the other, creatively focused. He admits to using this duality to great advantage when it comes to commercialising his art. Here is Robin’s perspective:

As a businessman, my focus is on maximising ROI. It’s all about increasing revenue and minimising expense. Unlike most artists, I include the actual labour costs by measuring how long it takes to create a work and then charging a commercial rate for this creative time. 

I also amortise time taken for promotion, fulfilment, and delivery of works. This gives a true sense of real ROI and helps me to get product range selection and pricing right. I’m constantly looking for ways to leverage my commercial experience to maximise ROI. For example, securing commercial sponsorships for my art exhibitions. This helped my first art sales event to be profitable before a single painting was sold.

As an artist, ROO is more relevant. Creatively, the outcomes I’m focused on achieving are:

  • Purpose: to have an impact on the viewer emotionally and aesthetically. To stir a response.
  • Truth: to be true to the inner creative force that is striving to be expressed, rather than be opportunistic around a popular or trending genre or style.
  • Uniqueness: to further my mission to create original, ‘unseen’ works
  • Fulfilment: to feel the immense sense of joy and satisfaction that comes from creating works that matter to me personally

Before an artwork is ‘released’ for sale to the commercial guy (my alter ego), it’s essential that these outcomes are achieved. Yes, they are highly subjective, and I have yet to develop any kind of quantitative measure to ‘quality assure’ the works. 

That said, as an artist, I intuitively know if the ROO is achieved. I just feel the inner buzz every time I look at the picture. For now, that’s good enough.

In Robin’s experience, both ROI and ROO work together. If the ROO is achieved, then he knows that the ROI will follow. It makes sense that the higher the ROO, the higher the sales price. The more passion and purpose that an artwork engenders in him, the easier it is to sell.

Robin’s artwork is available for viewing at and you can connect with Robin on LinkedIn.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Knowledge Sharing and Return on Outcome

By Jaqui Lane and Iggy Pintado

We’ve heard much about the great resignation, which has morphed into the great realignment. Recently, I caught up with Publisher and Book Adviser, Jaqui Lane who offered up another perspective, which she calls ‘the great reconnection’. We discussed this and how it relates to knowledge sharing and ultimately, return on outcome (ROO). Here’s her view:

Many business owners and executives have had more time to reconnect with their passion - what has been driving them to achieve their goals. They realised that they have knowledge and insights to share and want to do something about it. For me, that meant I received more calls and emails from business leaders about how they could write and publish their knowledge and insights in a book.  

The 2020s is the decade of intellectual capital not financial capital. Real meaning and power belong to those who share knowledge. The more knowledge is shared, the more it grows and works to advance society. Real leadership is not a matter of having the most knowledge it’s about knowing how to share it. 

The first question I ask any potential business book client is ‘What’s the purpose of your book?’ The overwhelming majority respond that they want to help make a positive impact on their readers by sharing their knowledge and insights, and they want to do this at scale. 

They are not driven by return on investment (ROI), quite the opposite in fact. They’re focused on the return on outcome (ROO). This is not to say they are uninterested in the time and dollar investment they’ll need to make, it’s more that they assess success by the outcomes they want to achieve less by the financial return.

The motivation for most businesspeople in writing their book is primarily to share their knowledge and insights with more people. If that’s millions, that’d be fantastic. If its 1,000, 2,000 or more that’s pretty amazing. I’ve had several clients say to me ‘if I can help one person with my book, I’d be really happy with that.’ One person, one book!

So what are the outcomes business people are looking to achieve with their own business book? There are many, but here’s the top six.

1. Share my knowledge and insights

2. Build credibility and authority in my area

3. Position myself as the ‘go-to’ person in the media on my industry/subject

4. Increased brand awareness for me and for my business

5. Generate more clients/retain more clients

6. Secure more speaking engagements

Note that the focus is on outcomes not a straight ROI. Many of the outcomes would be hard to put a simple dollar figure on and many are mutually supportive and, indeed, reinforcing. Let’s take one example, securing coverage in your specific industry media or more general media (whatever platforms you’re focusing on). The more visibility you have to a wider audience on a consistent basis the more visible you are, the more potential and current clients contact or re-engage you. Can you say that X media coverage resulted in Y business? In some cases, you can, in most, probably not.

And here’s another example. You’re a senior executive/partner in a law firm/consulting firm who wants to build a level of personal credibility and authority to stand out from the crowd and gain wider visibility in your industry or outside it in preparation for the next stage of your career. Investing the time and money in writing and publishing a business book is mostly about building your profile NOT about ROI. ROO is the objective.

If your driver is ROO, it is, therefore, important that you are very clear about what those outcomes are for you. You might just have one key outcome and two-three secondary ones or you might want to achieve all that I’ve listed – many of my clients do. It’s important though to prioritise your ROO goals as achieving them will take time and consistent execution to achieve.

In the business book writing and publishing arena there are two main investments, time, and money. For most businesspeople/executives time is money whether you are trading time for money as a consultant or running a multi-million-dollar company. Interestingly, this is where the great reconnection has had a major impact. Many businesspeople have had more time – more time to think, reflect, reassess, and recalibrate. Certainly, some of my clients were quite clear that they wanted to use lockdown time to achieve their long-held desire to write and publish their book. One of my clients shared that they were going to allocate their previous commuting time to writing their book.

Looking at the straight return on financial investment, I share with my clients that cost recovery is possible but not a given, and that it will take between 12-18 months to achieve, IF they are consistent in terms of their marketing and engagement around their book. If they are not interested, willing or able to market their book (i.e. generate visibility) or delegate someone else to do this, it’s unlikely they will cost recover their financial investment. 

This, however, is not a significant issue for them as they’re focused on the ROO not the ROI. Sure, they’d like to cost recover at worst and make some money at best, but ROO is significantly more important to them.

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Return on Media and Communications Outcomes


By Johanna Baker-Dowdall and Iggy Pintado

As a senior marketer for many years, it’s been difficult to almost impossible to justify a return on investment on media and communications. At the same time, I’ve worked in organisations that wouldn’t flinch in spending money on communication agencies, professional spokespeople, publicists, and lobbyists to develop and execute impactful messaging. 

It seems that the “return” is more qualifiable around planned proactive and reactive outcomes. I wanted to find out more about best practice in this space, so I approached Media & Communications Specialist, Johanna Baker-Dowdall who has been practising her craft for over 25 years. I posed these three questions to her:

Iggy: Is Return on Investment (ROI) a consideration for people wanting to invest in communication activities and initiatives?

Johanna: The idea of ROI on media and communications can be a difficult one to quantify. I have run my own writing and public relations agency for more than two decades and I’ve been asked to quantify the service I provide on numerous occasions. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for measuring your investment to make sure you’re hitting the mark (otherwise why are you doing it?), but when the activities you are undertaking for an individual or organisation are designed to position their name or brand top of a consumer’s mind it can be hard to specifically measure that success until the sales start to roll in for the business, tickets are sold for the event or the person is booked for that big speaking gig.

For example, if I was to ghost-write an opinion piece for a daily newspaper on behalf of a client and then pitch it, the ROI could simply be seeing the piece published. However, I would take it a step further and suggest it is what happens after the piece has been published and the client has been contacted by a different media outlet to comment on a breaking story as an expert in that space that is the real measure of success. The same goes for drafting and sending out a media release for an event. Is the ROI the number of times the event is mentioned in the target media, or is it the buzz built by attendees who tell others how good the event was so there are people waiting eagerly to book for the next event, even if it’s not for another year?

Iggy: Should people consider Return on Outcome (ROO) factors such as contextual messaging, brand reputation and impactful engagement with their audience/constituents?

Johanna: The questions I’ve posed about taking ROI a step or two further to realise true value is really the sweet spot for media and communications activity, and that is where ROO comes into play. When you consider Return on Outcome factors, a good strategic media/comms plan that spans multiple activities across varied media targets will build a brand’s reputation over time to encourage consumer trust. This makes it more likely that consumers will be willing to engage with that person or organisation in the future. Good strategic communications activity builds over time; it’s not something that happens within a week, or even a month. ROO factors like increased credibility, stronger name recall, and better brand recognition are all the result of financial investment but, more importantly, they build to create better outcomes.
“When you consider Return on Outcome factors, a good strategic media/comms plan that spans multiple activities across varied media targets will build a brand’s reputation over time to encourage consumer trust”
My current boss, for instance, is a politician. Our communications plan includes a mix of daily social media activity, monthly opinion pieces, regular e-newsletters and ad hoc media releases, media commentary and letters to the editor, coupled with regular speeches in parliament and updates on committee activity. This strategic plan has resulted in better name recognition (both within parliament and throughout the state), growth in social media following and engagement, more opportunities to connect with constituents and more interviews with media.

A consistent plan and strategic messaging have built over time with the result being a combination of objective and subjective measurables. Obviously, re-election is the ultimate in measurable results, but we’re not quite at that stage yet!

Iggy: What other OUTCOMES need to be considered in the communications space e.g., response management, potential damage control and follow up messaging?

Johanna: Communicating when things go wrong is something that is often forgotten from planning. Everything can be going swimmingly, with brand recognition high and great consumer engagement, but nothing defines how a brand or individual will be remembered as how they respond in a crisis. In the heat of the moment, when all you want is for the drama to end, it can be easy to try to explain it away or blame somebody else to protect yourself/the brand. 

Instead of panicking, think beyond the crisis to how you want to be remembered and then work backwards from there. Someone/a brand that gets out in front of a crisis, explains the situation, outlines a plan to respond to the event and then follows through with that plan is going to be in much better control of the message. They will realise better reputational outcomes and gain greater respect. And who knows, they might even pick up some new fans in the process. 

That’s a great outcome!

More about Return On Outcome at 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Happy ROO Year!



Source image: reprinted with permission of The Big Issue Australia.

Recently, we saw an article that intrigued us. Despite all the best intentions, most people that make new year resolutions to get healthier, fitter and lose excess weight at the beginning of January, will inevitably fall off their respective programs before the end of the month. Wow.

The assumption is that these people spend their well-earned cash ‘investing’ in gym memberships, personal trainers, nutritionists, diet regimes and group exercise classes. In making this investment in their promised better health, they don’t plan to be receiving any direct financial return on their money.

Recently, the term Return On Outcome (ROO) has come into social thinking. It proposes that a return on outcome is a qualifiable, subjective measure of an investment based on the outcome realised, and not a quantitative, objective measure of investment based on a monetary return.

Assuming that most people aren’t expecting a quantifiable return on their health investments, we asked ourselves, what criteria do people use to outlay their cash for the promise of better health. And why do most of them give up within a month so easily?

Since 2006, Kaz Muddell has been helping people of all ages and fitness levels improve their quality of life. Her Mind Body Motion business offers personal and virtual training and group classes. This is her practical perspective.

When a client signs up with her for personal training or to attend a group class, they don’t expect a financial return on their investment, although they do expect to “get their money’s worth”. By investing their funds, they expect to lose weight, improve their fitness, go down a dress size and so on. Their goals are not financially quantifiable, but they can envisage a return on outcome.

Short term results are possible, but not sustainable. Becoming healthy is not an overnight process. It takes dedication and an investment of time and their best return on their desired outcomes will be through long-term adoption of disciplined and habitual practices.

Exercise isn’t just about what you look like or how fit you are. Exercise is also about quality of life in the forms of improved mobility, building strength to reduce injury in the future, endurance, and improved mental wellbeing. 

Kaz works with people of all ages, and many are over 60. The outcome for these people is to be able to participate in the hobbies they enjoy, many of which are physical such as gardening, walking, playing with their grandchildren, or snow skiing. The desired outcome is to have the strength and mobility to enjoy these activities, and have a lower risk of injury whilst doing so.

The return on outcome can also vary depending on whether the person chooses to attend a gym or to work with a personal trainer. This can often be the catalyst as to whether they keep going, even if they don’t achieve their goals in the short term. 

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people creates a social atmosphere as well as providing some level of accountability. Regardless of what option you choose, it’s always more motivating to work with others and have someone challenge you, hold you accountable to your commitment, and it’s more enjoyable.

The original premise of return on outcome was to challenge the notion that everything has a return on investment (ROI). This is a clear example of how some personal investments do not have a direct ROI. Instead, people realise a return on outcome based on more qualifiable outcomes.

Therefore, it’s proposed that commencing this year, considering the return on outcome (ROO) on both personal and business decisions should be more duly considered.

 So, for now, have a Happy ROO Year!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

What is Return on Outcome?

by Iggy Pintado

Last December, I wrote an article with Dr. Chris Baumann that was published in CMO magazine, called Introduction to Return On Outcome.

In the article, I related a story about a conversation with a Chief Finance Officer where I requested some funds for a program I wanted to run. He not only explained that I needed to show a return on investment (ROI) on the requested funds but that Everything has an ROI. Hmm..

After a career in marketing, I got used to the rejection of requested expense budgets unless a ‘quantifiable”, monetary return could be clearly articulated.

However, I challenge the specific words: Everything has an ROI.

Businesses can use ROI criteria to justify an expense investment. I question if it is the ONLY criteria for determining if a program that assists the business is approved or not. Are there other more qualifiable criteria that deliver business returns that cannot be quantified but justifiably benefits a business generally or specifically?

Should ROI be the only criteria for determining if an idea produces a desirable outcome?

The proposition is to consider a return on outcome perspective. Simply put, a return on outcome (ROO) is a qualifiable, subjective measure of an investment based on the outcome realised, and not a quantitative, objective measure of investment based on a monetary return.
Personally, I don’t use ROI in many personal decisions. For example, in determining whether to donate some of my hard-earned salary to a cause. There is no quantifiable return to a charitable donation. Instinctively, the outcome achieved is in feeling good about contributing to a worthy cause. The return is in the outcome realised, not in an objective return on funds invested.
In business, the return on investment of hosting a corporate client at their favourite football game cannot be directly quantified, but there are qualifiable returns in an improved, sustainable relationship between a satisfied client and the sales teams that may lead to the purchase of the company’s products and services over time. 

Similarly, it’s hard to quantify sending a single staff member to an expensive operational improvement course. However, once the individual returns from the course and shares their learnings with their colleagues, the potential improved team productivity and morale boost benefits of developing the individual and fellow staff members is realised.

Return on outcome (ROO) is a qualifiable, subjective measure of an investment based on the outcome realised.

So, does everything have an ROI? In the ensuing series of posts on this Return On Outcome blog, I’ll be collaborating with practioners primarily to get their regular and practical experience on return on outcome. 

Please join me here and contribute with any comments and insights.